About Sheyvah
Overly dramatic as a child, Sheyvah grew up loving to make people laugh at school and in church dramas. She also sang sappy solos and wrote unremarkable stories. The daughter of home missionaries, she wanted to be an overseas missionary and managed to squeeze in trips to Thailand and India before marrying her hilarious husband over 25 years ago.
Now she helps children at a public school while homeschooling her youngest of four sons. She shares Jesus’ love with co-workers, cashiers, Bible study group members and fellow prayer warriors.
Summer finds her swimming and walking through forests made by her Daddy above. She is a member of The Word Guild, Inscribe Canada and Word Weavers International. Ms. Rex has a degree from a Bible college in ministry and from McGill University in English and drama.
She adores praying with and for people. Two sister cats help her feel less outnumbered.
She writes devotionals and has a newsletter and podcast at

Poetry has been used for thousands of years to connect with the heart and mind, and with God.
Here are some of my favorites that I have written.
Lose yourself in a short story where at the end you have a good experience for the time invested. And it comes with the bonus of stirring your thinking on something important in life and for eternity.
These devotionals are designed for you to take a brief amount of time out of your busy schedule and receive insight and love from God in a fresh new way.
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I enjoy hearing from people.
I would be glad to help you in your reading journey,
and your search for or walk with God.
I am also available to pray with you or for you.